Monday, March 9, 2009

St. Patrick's Day Style

As everyone knows, a week tomorrow is the day that (sadly) many university students look forward to.

This lovely day is definitely up there on the list of fun you will have while in university. Its an excuse (well your own excuse) to miss classes for the day, and get drunk all day with your friends.
and of course the best part.. you get to dress up!!! IN GREEN!

So here are some ways to get in the spirit...

1. go the tackiest store you know.. an accessory store like Claire's and get some fun St. Patty's day themed hats, hairbands, glasses and earrings to cover yourself in for the big day.

2. gather up every item you have that is green

3. if you need green, American Apparel is the place to go as they have every single article of clothing in green for you to choose from

4. GREEN BEER (that's not a fashion thing but it does turn your lips a funky green colour in spirit of the day)
Click here to see how to make it

Start getting ready soon because before you know it all of the other university students will have already gotten their St.Patty's day accessories..

Have fun!!!

Here's a Guinness Beer commercial to get your spirits up!